There are lots of way you can get involved with WFIS:
- by joining an existing Association in your Country: You can find information of your country associations by searching them in the Regional Council website
- by creating a new Association in your Country: get in contact with the Regional Council of your location where you are located or write us an e-mail to
- by joining the International Scout Fellowship (ISF)
- by supporting us as a donor! (via paypal): Every contribution is valuable and appreciated. To contribute with our work you can send a donation via PayPal to Please identify your contribution as “WFIS Fund“, and classify it as “family and friends“.
If you are not a member on the PayPal system, you can become one free of charge at sign up page. In order to avoid charges, sign up as a Personal Account. You can find more detailed description of how PayPal works here
Please, take a look around our website, contact the Regional Council or contact us