WFIS reportes


WFIS is looking for reporters, do you want to join us?

Because we want to share with the rest of the world what is happening in your Region, in your Country and in your Association, we invite you to be part of this great adventure!

We want you to send us the activities that your Association does, or has done, to make it public and share it with the rest of the world!

What does it have to contain? An explanatory text with photos, links to web pages, etc. Send it in English to and we will publish it in our website ! It doesn’t matter if the grammar is not correct, the important thing is that you have the Scout spirit that we like so much and that it has a part of you. In addition, if you want to send it in your language, you can do that as well.

You can also send this information to your Region, so they can add it to their internal communications, like the Euroletter (for European region) or Pathfinder (for Americas region).

Yours in Traditional Scouting,






WFIS World Council